Issues we work with
Generalized Anxiety
Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge
Not being able to stop or control worry
Overthinking about different things
Trouble relaxing, Muscle Tension
Difficulty falling or staying asleep
Panic Attacks
An abrupt surge of intense fear
Pounding heart, shortness of breath, chest pain/discomfort
Fear of losing control and/or fear of dying
Nausea, dizziness, abdominal discomfort
Derealization and depersonalization
Separation Anxiety
Excessive fear of being separated from the major attachment figure (parent, partner, caregiver, etc)
Persistent refusal to be away from the major attachment figure (sleep, school, travel, home, work)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Presence of Obsessions - recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or images
Presence of Compulsions - repetitive behaviors or mental acts that the person is driven to perform in response to an obsession
Social Anxiety
Fear of interacting with others. Worry about embarrassing and humiliating yourself
Fear of others noticing that you are anxious
Overthinking about past or future social interactions
Nausea, dizziness, heart pounding, shortness of breath, blushing, and shaking in social settings
Vehicular Anxiety
Persistent and uncontrollable worry about getting into an accident
Avoiding driving or being in a vehicle
Pounding heart, shortness of breath, chills, sweating, chest pain/discomfort while in a vehicle
Altered behavior while in a vehicle
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
Obsessively checking social media (SM)
Comparing your life with those on SM
Feeling mentally exhausted from SM
Having difficulty falling or staying asleep
Increased irritability, anxiety, depressed mood
Altered behavior and interpersonal problems
Health Anxiety
Excessive and uncontrollable worry about getting sick
Frequently checking your body for signs of illness
Mistrusting doctors' opinions or test results
Obsessively searching for medical information online
Altered behavior and avoidance
Performance Anxiety
Extreme nervousness before or during participation in a specific activity
Overthinking about the negative outcome of that activity, predicting a failure
Racing heart, shallow breathing, dizziness, trembling
Irritability, anger, guilt, avoidance
Perinatal Anxiety
Fear of the worst happening to the baby or self
Feeling tense, nervous, irritable, on edge
Not being able to stop or control worry
Difficulty falling asleep due to worry
Muscle tension, chest discomfort, shortness of breath
Specific Phobias
Animals, Insects
Water, Thunderstorms
Open spaces
Enclosed spaces
Social Settings
Medical procedures
Continuous low mood or sadness.
Feeling hopeless and helpless, feeling tearful.
Having low self-esteem.
Feeling excessive guilt.
Feeling irritable and intolerant of others.
having no motivation or interest in previously enjoyable things or activities.
Fidgeting, restlessness, inability to sit still
Inability to wait their turn, interrupting others
Excessive talking, inability to stay quiet
Difficulty staying focused on a task or a conversation
Being easily distracted
Technology Overuse
Videogames and Social Media overuse
Anxiety and Anger related to the Internet overuse
Porn and other sex-related online activities overuse
Sleep problems related to technology overuse
Family conflicts related to digital overuse
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
Arguing with adults
Questioning and refusing to follow the rules
Irritability, anger, easily annoyed by others
Defiant behavior, vindictiveness
Blaming others for their misbehavior
Eating and Feeding
Emotional eating
Disordered eating: restrictive (diets) or compulsive (binging) eating.
Eating disorders
Feeding issues in children
Diabetes, cardiovascular, and digestive health
Issues with body image
Weight dissatisfaction